Referral Waiting List Time

Current waiting list is currently 6-8 weeks. Please be patient whilst we get through all referrals. Please ensure you disclose as much details as possible on your referral


We can explore the following with you:

  •   Accessing short term counselling or mental health support.

  •  Signposting to external services and supporting you to complete referrals to external specialist services.

  •  Liaising with internal support ( Welfare, pastoral, enrichment, tutors etc).

  •  Referring to the Mindmate Support Team.

  •  Referring to Drop In.

  •  Completing safety planning.

  •  Providing self help resources.

Please note the Wellbeing Team is not a crisis service.

If your life is at risk right now or you are at immediate risk of seriously harming yourself you must:

If you can't do this by yourself, ask someone to help you.


The Wellbeing Team are now accepting referrals. Please click on the button below to refer yourself to the team.

Alternatively you can contact the Wellbeing Team at:

  Leeds City College:
  Harrogate College:
  Keighley College:

to speak to a member of the team.

If you are a PROFESSIONAL making a referral on behalf of a student please familiarise yourself with the guidance below on making a referral. Please contact the member of the Wellbeing Team on duty to discuss your referral PRIOR to making a referral. Contact details can be found by clicking on the link below.

 Tuesday - Catherine Tranter -   07900 161964
 Wednesday - Cathy Welch -   07814 818913
 Friday- Amy Pickering -   07773099330

Drop ins

To access support and information on mental health and wellbeing you can come along to one of our Wellbeing Drop Ins run by the team. Please come and say hello and have a chat about how you are feeling and we can look at what support there is available.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Printworks Catherine Tranter 12.00-12.30 Room A1.42 ( Red Print Hall) Amy-9.00-09.30 A1.42 ( Red Print Hall)
Quarry Hill Elizabeth Mitchell 9:00-9.30 Room 616 Social Science Catherine Tranter 12.00-12.30 Room 616 Social Science
Parklane Campus Amy Pickering 12:00-12.30 A2.13 Wellbeing Hub Sally Mortimer 09.00-09.30 A2.13 Wellbeing Hub

A drop in at the 14+ Academy will commence shortly. This Will be updates here when confirmed.

If you have any questions about drop-ins please email